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【blog】#11 What is your favorite book?

【blog】#11 What is your favorite book?

Bellevue 英語の部屋> Johnのblog> What is your favorite book?

#11 What is your favorite book?

Haruki Murakami is one of the most well-known writers of our time. I think I'm lucky to have been born at the same time as him. Before I was married, my girlfriend (she is now my wife) and I would read stories from Murakami, exchanging books and talking about it over coffee. We've read several of his novels and short stories, and our favorite story was The Second Bakery Attack (パン屋再襲撃).

I enjoy running, so I when I was training for a marathon, I was inspired by Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (走ることについて語るときに僕の語ること). When my son was four years old, I read The Strange Library (ふしぎな図書館) to him, one afternoon while we were in a coffeeshop. The last one I read was The T-shirts I Love (僕の愛したTシャツたち).

What about you, what is your favorite book?



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