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【blog】 Finding Motivation

【blog】 Finding Motivation

Bellevue 英語の部屋> Johnのblog> Finding Motivation

#9 Finding Motivation

There are many, fun ways to get motivated when you are studying English. One is to surround yourself with English language books, movies and music. Even if you just watch English films with subtitles, or listen to music with English lyrics, you can already pick up new words and phrases. It will also make the sound and accent more familiar.

Another way to get motivated is to make English part of your routine. Going to an English class gives you an opportunity to regularly practice, speak and listen. It's even better to do it an environment where you can really be yourself and share what you have in your mind.

Finally, setting a goal will also be an important part of your motivation. It can be something such as passing a test, getting a higher score, using English more with friends or with business partners, or travelling to an English-speaking country to use what you learned in real-life experiences.
Once again, there are so many ways to get motivated. I hope you find one that works for you!




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